Dr. Thomas Grützner, a compliance and litigation partner and Regional Chair of the Litigation & Trial Department in continental Europe, represents corporate and financial institution clients on a variety of complex compliance and white collar crime matters and Human Rights as well as workplace-related investigations.

Thomas serves clients by:

  • Conducting internal investigations
  • Representing clients before government enforcement agencies
  • Managing crises
  • Implementing and developing compliance management systems and risk mitigation measures
  • Conducting compliance due diligence in connection with M&A transactions and supply chain aspects

He draws on experience investigating alleged misconduct in more than 30 countries, including Algeria, Bangladesh, Dubai, Indonesia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, the UAE, and Vietnam. He has defended DAX30 companies across a full range of industries before domestic and international enforcement agencies.

Given his broad professional and academic experience, Thomas skillfully guides clients through the design and implementation of effective compliance management systems and compliance projects. Leading legal publications regularly recommend him. In the 2020 and 2021 edition of Who’s Who Legal Investigations, he is praised as “one of the best investigation practitioners” in the German market. The 2020/2021 lists him as the most recommended lawyer for compliance.

He regularly writes on white collar and enforcement issues, and has authored several books, including a handbook on white collar and tax criminal law (Wirtschafts- und Steuerstrafrecht - Handbuch für die Unternehmenspraxis 2nd edition). He is a member of the ICC task force, Addressing Issues of Corruption in International Arbitration.

Thomas' previous transactional experience includes:

  • Leading internal investigations into more than 20 projects of the defense industry (DAX company) after public corruption allegations; coordination of communication with multiple (domestic and international) enforcement agencies*
  • Leading investigations into workplace-related misconduct for several DAX companies
  • Co-lead of internal investigation in the manufacturing industry in connection with allegations of co-financing terrorist groups; coordination of communication with multiple (domestic and international) enforcement agencies*
  • Leading several investigations kicked off by whistleblowers and managing the respective communication
  • Leading multiple internal investigations for DAX companies and coordination of communication with multiple (domestic and international) enforcement agencies (e.g., DOJ/SEC); including in the transportation, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, insurance, and automotive industries*
  • Leading internal investigation into a joint venture of two DAX companies in connection with allegations concerning fraudulent behavior to the detriment of the Federal Republic of Germany*
  • Leading assessments of the group-wide whistleblowing systems as well as related investigation procedures for the supervisory board of one of the biggest car manufacturers globally
  • Leading internal investigation for a DAX company of the automotive industry in connection with one of the largest fake CEO fraud cases; coordination of communication with multiple (domestic and international) enforcement agencies (including asset tracing)*
  • Crisis management for a DAX company in connection with one of the largest recent transportation accidents*
  • Leading a vendor compliance due diligence of a IT services and solutions business unit (with business in more than 40 countries) of a DAX company in the aftermath of a DOJ/SEC investigation*
  • Leading multiple large scale projects in connection with DOJ/SEC investigations (e.g., business partner screening of more than 3,000 business partners, legal analysis of more than 850 consultant agreements and organization of legal defense, analysis of the anti-corruption laws of 180 jurisdictions, and gap analysis of compliance organizations)*

*Matter handled prior to joining Latham

Bar Qualification

  • Rechtsanwalt (Germany)


  • Visiting Professor in White Collar Crime, Free University of Berlin
  • Second State Exam, Higher Regional Court, Braunschweig
  • Dr. iur., University of Goettingen
  • First German State Exam, University of Goettingen

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • German