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July 25, 2024 Value Break

Restructuring Plans and the Price of Dissent

Despite three recent landmark UK restructuring plan decisions, uncertainty remains around the value, if any, a plan company should offer dissenting creditors as the “deliverability price” of a plan.
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The Book of Jargon Series – Word of the Day®

The Book of Jargon® is a series of practice area and industry-specific glossaries published by Latham & Watkins.

Gas War

when network participants try to obtain priority positioning in Blockchain transactions by paying above the network average for Gas on their submitted transaction. Paying more to obtain priority is usually done to gain a fleeting advantage or avoid a steep loss, or to secure an NFT in an in-demand Drop. Gas War is also known as Priority Gas Auction (PGA).

Word of the Day®


the act of classifying documents in Review Software as responsive, not relevant, Privileged, interesting, etc. In the olden days, lawyers physically applied tags to paper documents one by one. They also had to walk three hours uphill in the snow to work each day, both ways.

Word of the Day®


the use of a Property that violates current Zoning laws but is permitted as such use predates the enactment of such laws.

Word of the Day®

Bullet (Maturity)

when the entire principal of a Bond or Term Loan is due and payable on the Maturity Date (i.e., there is little or no Amortization prior to Maturity). Bullet (Maturity) is also known as a Balloon Payment.

Word of the Day®


an Islamic finance term meaning a Shari’ah-compliant forward contract (i.e., a forward contract structured to avoid the Gharar or Maisir in a conventional forward contract).

Word of the Day®

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