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a medical term used to describe a potassium level in a patient’s blood that is higher than normal.

Word of the Day®


amounts that a person or entity receives or retains to which the person is not entitled. The ACA requires Medicare and Medicaid Providers, Suppliers, and other entities to report and return any overpayment of Medicare or Medicaid funds within 60 days of identifying the overpayment or face potential False Claims Act liability.

Word of the Day®


automatic, across the board budget cuts in the amount of US$1.2 trillion over nine years enacted as part of the Budget Control Act of 2011 that took effect in 2013 when Congress could not agree on a plan to reduce the deficit. Sequestration included aggregate reductions of Medicare payments to Providers at 2% per fiscal year.

Word of the Day®

Yates Memo

named after author Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, the memo formally titled “Individual Accountability for Corporate Wrongdoing” emphasized the Department of Justice’s focus on holding individual corporate executives accountable for corporate wrongdoing. The memo set forth six steps to reinforce the Department of Justice’s pursuit of individual wrongdoing.

Word of the Day®

Rational Drug Design

the process of discovering new Drugs based on knowledge of a Biological Target. Generally, a Molecule associated with a disease is identified and assessed, then a drug Molecule is designed to inhibit or promote certain reactions in an organism to respond to the disease.

Word of the Day®